Business Development
Our ability to develop business is critical to FHI 360’s success. This award recognizes an individual or team contribution to successful business development efforts. The award emphasizes efforts to identify and cultivate new funders or new/emerging markets, outstanding performance in the drafting or preparation of technical or business volumes, effective submissions of proposals, effective client relationships that develop into continued or new business, and the support of FHI 360’s strategy to remain competitive while meeting local needs and improve lives in lasting ways.
- Amós Mataruse
- Cambodia EQHA Proposal Team
- CEP NTD Proposal Team
- Contraceptive Technology Innovation Team
- Education in Conflict and Crisis – Extended Team
- Nepal Country Office
- SMC HIV Team
- Tunisia TRACE Team
A critical success factor in FHI 360's transformation is our ability to work successfully together within our new structure and operating model. This award recognizes individuals and teams who work across areas, sectors/groups and departmental lines for the improved achievement of FHI 360 outcomes. This award may recognize "360-degree" activities – holistic approaches to solve global and human development challenges or cross organizational structural lines to ensure collaboration, collegiality and progress towards a unified organization.
- Knowledge Exchange Team
- Rachel Whitmore
- Sandy Ibrahim, Deanna Saab, Armen Danielyan
- Tika Ram Ale
- William Johnson
The David Barry "Think Big" Award
for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Dr. David Barry was known as an entrepreneur, a visionary, and a pioneer in AIDS drug development. He served on the FHI Board for 12 years from 1990 to 2002, and it was he, who at a meeting in North Carolina in April 2000, urged FHI to "think big" and take on a global leadership role to eradicate AIDS using a holistic health approach. He planted the seed for the START project - FHI's pilot initiative in 2002 demonstrating the potential impact of antiretroviral therapy in resource-constrained settings. David came to FHI having served as Burroughs-Wellcome's Vice President of Research, Development and Medical Affairs where he was one of the co-inventors of the first anti-HIV drug AZT, approved by the US FDA in 1987. He then founded Triangle Pharmaceuticals in 1995, setting out on a course of clinical development of antivirals for the treatment of HIV and hepatitis B. An advocate for drug development for serious and life-threatening diseases, David was fully committed to making a difference in the world of health. He was a remarkable leader and scientist who moved comfortably in both the business and the research worlds.
This award was established by David Barry's family and the FHI Board in his memory to award teams or individuals demonstrating "big thinking" - innovation and entrepreneurship in the scientific, technical and management approaches we use to deliver our work. This could include recognition for efforts to broaden the scope of our impact, develop new approaches to how we implement and/or support our projects, improve the way in which we manage our resources or in how we undertake new partnerships. This award may also recognize efforts to improve staff productivity, achieve cost efficiencies, attain cost reductions, or other efforts that improve the quality of our work, make FHI 360 more competitive, or advance our efforts for global leadership in global development.
- M&E/ICT System Strengthening Team, LINKAGES Indonesia
- Vine Application Team
Emerging Leaders
This award is designed to recognize individual leaders who are not in formal positions of leadership, but demonstrate the potential to take on leadership positions in the future. The Awards Committee will look for individuals who espouse FHI 360 values, outperform in their formal duties, lead by example and with professionalism, and demonstrate their potential to grow within the organization and the field.
- Ashley Miller
- Cuong Nguyen
- Erica Vasquez
- Jonathan Lucas
- Manisha Shrestha
- Nadia Labidi
- Surendra Karki
Enterprise and Corporate Services
This award recognizes the fact that FHI 360 operations and programs could not be successful without the contribution of enterprise service team members operating as part of the project team and, working to ensure the quality and functioning of the underlying systems and processes that support them. This award is dedicated to individuals or teams working in any Enterprise Service function (all teams under Finance, Administration, CMS, HR, ISS) in any location, and will honor stellar contributions, extraordinary commitment and "above and beyond" support and service to strengthening country and project operating platforms and teams.
- Business Development and Diversification
- Kellock Hazemba
- Lamis Saad Eddin
- Rasheedah Smith
- Zimbabwe Enterprise Services Team
Integrated Development
This award recognizes an individual or team’s ability and initiative to reach outside their technical “cone or silo” and integrate two or more technical areas of expertise in the design of a proposal, through research and evaluation, or to enhance a program’s impact by adding a new technical dimension or perspective. Nominations should both demonstrate the initiative taken to find and apply integrated solutions, as well as to utilize and/or expand the body of evidence supporting integrated solutions. The individual or team that receives this award will have made a significant contribution to FHI360s track record and reputation for the design, delivery, or evaluation of integrated approaches to solving some of today’s most challenging development problems.
- IHANN Team
- IHSAN Project
Knowledge Sharing
FHI 360 lives the science of improving lives by using research and evidence to design and deliver programs that impact the world’s toughest human development challenges. We are and continue to aspire to be a thought leader, recognized for the knowledge we generate, apply and share with the world. We must have an environment within the organization where staff share knowledge, know how to tap into knowledge resources regardless of where they are located in the organization and the world and where we build on existing knowledge to improve our approaches to complex challenges in the communities we serve.
The award recognizes an individual or team who have shown the spirit and the results of sharing knowledge and applying learnings to our work beyond an individual or single group’s use.
- Corey White
- Helena Picarima
The Lynda Cole Award for Excellence
Lynda Painter Cole was employed at FHI from July 1976 until December 2000. As a researcher, program leader and staff mentor, Lynda epitomized FHI's values. Starting her career at FHI in the Clinical Trials Division, Lynda managed many of FHI's large multi-center clinical trials on contraceptive methods. From 1987 to 1993, Lynda served as Associate Director and then Deputy Director of the USAID-funded AIDSTECH project, managing programs in the Eastern Caribbean and overseeing AIDSTECH activities in information, education, communication, training and condom logistics. Lynda then became Director of Field Operations in 1993, providing leadership in the strategic programming of FHI's resources from a regional and country perspective and overseeing projects around the world. She published extensively in professional journals and traveled widely for her work. She was instrumental in attracting numerous government grants worth millions of dollars, and she touched the lives of many people during her 24 years at FHI.
In recognition of Lynda's commitment and numerous contributions to the organization, the Board of Directors established the Lynda Cole Award for Excellence in 2001 to be presented annually to an employee who has similarly exhibited outstanding contributions towards FHI's mission. The recipient of this award must be recognized as representing the attributes that were valued by Lynda, including full commitment to FHI 360's mission and the field, loyalty, honesty, creativity, and a willingness to take on new challenges. The individual should also have made major contributions to FHI 360 and its mission. This award is to be given to a current international office employee (regional or country office) who is employed by FHI 360 in a full-time capacity. Both international and locally hired field staff are eligible below the director or office head level, including technical, administrative, and support staff. Nominations can be made by any FHI 360 staff member, but should be made through the nominee's office, to assure the broadest consensus of merit by those who best know the contributions of the nominee. Recipients will be ineligible for this award in the future.
- To be announced separately
Outstanding Effort
The Outstanding Effort Award will be given to up to five staff members or teams who have made an outstanding contribution to any aspect of FHI 360 operations, routinely going above and beyond regular and customary job responsibilities to help the organization achieve its mission. This award will serve to recognize the achievements and accomplishments of individuals and teams who may or may not always be in the spotlight, but deserve recognition for their significant contributions to FHI 360's successes this year.
- Anicet Bigirimana, Kururu Laurent, Louis Mpawenimana, Emmanuel Nikoyagize, and Audace Ngendakumana
- Catherine Todd
- Hela Sbaa
- Papua Team, LINKAGES Indonesia
- Prem Ojha
- Rachel Lenzi
- SIDHAS Laboratory Team
- Sitora Djonmamadova
- Stephanie Turpin
Program Excellence
This award recognizes outstanding contributions of an individual staff member or team to FHI 360's leadership in global and domestic health, education and development. This contribution could be demonstrated by promoting integrated development solutions, by the implementation of the latest evidence-based approaches, through intense involvement in a program's design and development, or with demonstrated efforts to ensure that a project is meeting its deliverables—on budget and on time, with the highest quality of management and responsiveness to client and stakeholder feedback. This award will seek to recognize demonstrated efforts to achieve quality, satisfaction and impact in programs furthering FHI 360's mission.
- Kirunda Ramadhan
- Legada Team
- Jordan Local Enterprise Support (LENS) Field Team
- M.R. Parthasarathy
- Nandar Nwe Oo
- Open Doors Team – Zambia
- RANA Team
- Tunisia Ma3an Team
Client Satisfaction and Program Management
FHI 360's clients include our beneficiaries, host governments, funders and partners. We also have internal FHI 360 clients to whom we provide support and solutions allowing others to accomplish their work for external clients. This award recognizes excellence in client satisfaction related to project management and program delivery, especially those individuals or teams who search for new ways to surpass expectations, effectively manage relationships and ensure that projects are on track, on time, on budget and more than meet our client's needs.
- Civil Society Mutual Accountability Project
- Hally Mahler
- Ngak Song, Chanthol Eang, Ea Rithy, Bakkhim Team and Lisa Stevens
- Pir Mohammad Paya
- Rapid Response Team – Zambia
- The Sharekna Project to Support Youth and Empower local Communities
- SIDHAS Health Informatics Team
Team Leadership
This award recognizes individuals who are formally managing other staff, and who demonstrate strong leadership qualities in their role. The team leader, amongst other leadership qualities, is committed to strong ethics, establishes clear direction, deals with problems quickly and professionally, encourages staff development and mentorship, communicates appropriately, and encourages work/life balance. Nominations for this award are sought from employees working under the supervision of this leader.
- Caitlin McNary
- Jennifer Crum
- Kristine Torjesen
- Sayed Haroon Rastagar
Scientific and Technical Leadership
To be given to the staff member or team who in the past year has made a major contribution to FHI 360's scientific and technical leadership. This leadership could be exemplified by a major publication, client recognition, citation as a best practice, presentation at a major international setting, or any programmatic or scientific contribution deemed by the Awards Committee to help distinguish the organization for its advancement of global and human development.